| Brazil

Shell Café grows global reach with 100th site in Brazil

Convenience retailer Grupo Nós – a joint venture between Brazilian energy company Raízen and Mexican retail conglomerate FEMSA – has scaled Shell Café to 100 sites in Brazil in just 12 months

Shell Café is now present across 76 Brazilian cities and 19 states | Photo credit: Grupo Nós

São Paulo-based convenience retailer Grupo Nós has opened its 100th Shell Café site in Brazil just 12 months after launching the petrol station café concept to South America. 

Launched in August 2020, Grupo Nós is a joint venture formed between Brazilian energy company Raízen and Mexican retail conglomerate FEMSA. The business operates more than 4,600 Shell petrol stations in Brazil – over 1,200 of which have Shell Select convenience stores – alongside 500 OXXO convenience stores – the first of which it opened in December 2020. 

Grupo Nós opened its first Shell Café site in the Morumbi neighbourhood of São Paulo in June 2023 and has now introduced the concept to Shell Select sites across 76 Brazilian cities and 19 states. 

“Brazil was the first country in the Americas to receive the Shell Café format and it is with great pride that we celebrate the milestone of 100 stores,” said Alex Deeke, Business Director, Shell Select. 

UK-based petrol giant Shell launched the Shell Café concept in the Netherlands in April 2021 and has since scaled the concept to more than 1,800 sites across 20 countries globally. In most markets, Shell Café offers both counter service and self-serve formats. 

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