Project Cafe India 2025

Project Café India 2025 is Allegra World Coffee Portal’s inaugural analysis exploring the potential-laden Indian branded coffee shop market


With the world's largest population of 1.4 billion, and one of the fastest growing economies in the world, India is a land of incredible opportunity. While the countries branded coffee shop market has been slow to blossom, there are signs of change with an increasing array of operators with ambitious growth intentions and a drive towards premiumisation. Project Cafe India 2025 will extensively explore this fascinating market.


In publication since 1999, the Project Café report series continues to help industry stakeholders understand the social and economic contributions of the industry and navigate changing dynamics. The series comprises major global region reports and key national reports that deliver a comprehensive coffee shop market analysis.


Project Café India 2025 identifies the size of India’s branded coffee shop market in terms of outlets, sales and growth rates, providing an in-depth examination of the current retail environment. Featuring consumer research, industry consultations, analysis of key market topics and competing operator strategies, the report unpacks key opportunities and potential future barriers to growth.


Project Café India 2025 will help your organisation tailor its approach to the unique demands of this market, facilitating better informed business decisions.

Available 4 August 2025

Project Cafe India 2025 key features:
  • Outlet and store sales market sizing, including future growth projections, for India’s branded coffee shop sector
  • Over 4,000 online surveys with Indian coffee shop consumers, featuring more than 140 pages of results and analysis
  • Over 100 online surveys, consultations and in-depth interviews with leading industry insiders in India
  • In-depth profiles of major operators in India, including key company and supplier information
  • Pricing analysis of major operators in India, including latte, cappuccino, flat white and espresso beverages

For more information about Project Cafe India 2025, including pricing details and report access, please contact:
+44 (0) 20 7691 8800
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