Festive Drinks Reception

| London
Coffee & Hospitality Gathering
Connect, celebrate and toast to a successful year ahead with coffee industry peers
Festive Drinks Reception Celebrate the end of a successful year with an evening of drinks, good cheer and great company! Connect with coffee and hospitality peers as we toast to an exciting year ahead.

Apply to Join

The Festive Drinks Reception is only available to Base, Premium and Platinum GCI members. 

Fill out the form below to enquire about membership options. If you are a Global Coffee Institute member, email membership@globalcoffeeinstitute.com to reserve your space.

First Name *
Last Name *
Work email *
Work Telephone *
Company *
Position *
By submitting this form you are agreeing to receive updates from Global Coffee Intstitute via email.
* Required

Sponsorship Opportunities

To explore sponsorship opportunities for the Global Coffee Institute events, contact info@globalcoffeeinstitute.com.

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